Does your dog hate going to the vet? What about nail trims? Grooming?
If your dog struggles with handling at the vet, by you, your groomer or loved ones, you are not alone.
Dogs who hate handling can be a challenge to live with, no less to get them the care they need.
My dog Waylon used to lunge, bark, air snap and he even bit a vet tech once. I couldn't understand it, he loves people. But when it came to handling or restraint he turned into a WILD ANIMAL.
This protocol is born from my struggles as Waylons guardian. We avoided the vet for too long but thanks to our consent in care protocol I can now:
*Safely trim Waylons nails at home with his consent
*Take him to the vet for vaccinations and blood draws with minimal stress and ZERO RESTRAINT
But don't just take my word for it, we have coached dozens of our clients to MAJOR WINS with their consent in care protocols!

Consent in Care Virtual Workshop
Join us live to train a consent in care protocol!