Consent in Care Virtual Class Starts

Join us for a 5 week virtual class to train a consent in care protocol!









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If your dog struggles with grooming, handling and or vet care. This class is for you!

By teaching your dog to consent to everyday care like nail trims or baths, you not only make it easier for your dog to tolerate these things but you also set yourself up for their life time of care. 

Consent in Care Class Dates and Times:

Tuesday 7/25 4-5:30pm MT

Tuesday 8/1 4-5:30pm MT

Tuesday 8/15 4-5:30pm MT

Tuesday 8/22 4-5:30pm MT

Tuesday 8/29 4-5:30pm MT

A peek inside of our virtual class:


How it Works:

  1. Enroll and get access to our 6 part training system.
  2. Watch 6 part system video.
  3. Start training your dog.
  4. Join us in 5 virtual classes and get live feedback as you train your dog.
  5. Train your dog between classes.
  6. See your consent in care protocol work in real life.
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